Flexible with strong presence
M-O-T as a part of the WOLL group.
Totally, 300+ employees are dedicated to high tech machine building and engineering. Where WOLL focuses on special machines for automotive and healthcare industry M-O-T focuses on Semico and MEMS industries.
A group partnership enhanced the position of M-O-T and offers M-O-T’s customers reliability with the well-known flexibility. Own process development and engineering and more than 25 years of experience to serve you.
M-O-T is a complete design build manufacturing company providing “System Integration” and offering a solutions package to all wet process manufacturing of both high purity front end wet bench equipment and components. M-O-T also provides a wet process manufacturing solution for Environmental Systems Equipment.
Our team is committed to the highest level of quality with our in house engineering, manufacturing production and service teams.
Talk to us
Contact us to take the next step in SEMICON and MEMS-Nano production.