Wet Bench System μCHEM
- Designed for the use in clean room environment, the shell is made of polypropylene or stainless steel for solvent applications
- Suitable for etching application in the field of micro technology and semiconductors
- Heatable Quartz Tank for clean wafer processing
- Additional process cells could be integrated, made of PTFE, PVDF, PP,…
- Circulation and Heating systems
- fire extinguishing on request
- fully automatic processfully automatic chemical drain and dosing on request
- compatible to different wafer size up to 12″, fully automatic handling of the Carriers
Additional components
- Spin coater, Hot plates, Megasonic cleaning systems…
- Rinsing cell or Quick Dump Rinser
- Automation for handling wafer baskets possible
- Customized solutions are possible
MOT Semicon can help you to design specific workflow concepts offering you flexible high grade wet bench solutions.